
 Family Constellations Webinar

Healing Life Through Ancestral Healing

 March 22nd, at 7 pm EST

Reaching Freedom and Tranquility require reconciling our ancestors' unresolved memories


Get ready to live this free online experience where you will learn about Family Constellations as a tool to help yourself and/or others on the journey of healing and transcendence of the unresolved memories of the past.

About me...

MAYADARI DEL SOL is a Therapist in Family and Systemic Constellations, Founder of Systemic Healing Institute, a training certification program on Family Constellations in two languages, English and Spanish, Author of a book called “Alchemy for the Soul” available in English and Spanish, and Coach of two programs for the transformation of limiting beliefs and unconscious memories called The Soul’s Journey and The Hero’s Journey


After going through a turning point in her life that impacted not only her physical body but deeply her soul, she embarked on a journey of healing. To do this, Maya understood that to heal the body it was necessary to heal the mind, the unconscious memories of her childhood, and the unresolved memories of her ancestors, which are the roots of most of the limitations that affect the individual’s development in different areas such as relationships, health, finances, prosperity, and success. 


Today, Maya is dedicated to facilitating individual and group therapy, online and on-site, and to the training of people who want to help serve Life through the healing modality of Family and Systemic Constellations.

Mayadari Del Sol | Therapist | Trainer in Family and Systemic Constellations